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August 2021 Update from DCM

Supporting the most marginalised during lockdown


DCM kaimahi have been working in designated pair “bubbles”, to keep everyone safe. Here George and Jay are all loaded up and ready to hit the road, delivering much needed food support to taumai.

At alert Level 4, we have not been able to invite taumai to spend time with us here at DCM, or to meet with them out in the community centres near to their homes when they are housed. However as always, DCM has remained committed to supporting the most marginalised in many different ways. Taumai can get hold of us on a dedicated 0800 number and phones are again available for those who need them. The Outreach team has been heading out on the streets to connect with rough sleepers, while the Aro Mai Housing First and Sustaining Tenancies teams continue to provide a wide range of services to taumai throughout the Wellington region, ensuring they are well connected and supported during this difficult time. Food has been dropped on the doorstep for those who need it most, and emergency housing arranged for those without shelter. Our teams have also been calling taumai to check in with them and see how they are doing. Taumai often tell us that it is this contact and kōrero that they value most; lockdown is a very lonely time for many.

Te Riria works from home receiving calls from taumai on our 0800 number (left); taumai like Mahir have been able to receive food support, dropped off on their doorstep by DCM kaimahi. 

If you would like to make a donation to support DCM’s work at this challenging time, go to our website – together, we are doing something very special.


*We call the people we work with taumai, meaning to settle. This reflects the journey we set out on together – to become settled, stable and well. 

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